Straw bale construction, 90 m2 - Pulkau, Austria

Design: PMBrunner, Maissau
Tendering for foundation, energy pass: Oikologos, Johannes Breitling
Foundation: Fa. Alpson
Carpenter/Tinsmith: Holzbau Erlinger
Infill: Herbert Gruber (ASBN)
Plaster: Marta Rakowska & Manos Ximeris (Minoeco)

Maria and Roman Mangol had a dream to live in a natural house. They put a lot of time and effort, actively participating in the research and construction… Their house is completed!
Project includes new raised construction, insulated with straw bales, interior clay plaster, and exterior lime plaster. Additionally part of existing building was wrapped with straw bales and plaster with lime. Final coat of lime plaster was pigmented with Greek ochre.
During the construction, it took place 10 days Training for European Professionals. Minoeco was engaged to lead trainees into insulating the windows, preparing the plaster ground and combining various minerals to create a traditional lime render for the exterior. The mixes were applied directly onto straw bales and reed mats, using both a spray gun and trowels.


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